Hello Friends,
I am back with a brand new and amazing facebook trick which will save a lot of your time. This trick is to select all your friends in a single click to invite them to a page or event without the use of a javascript. This trick is very easy to use. You just have to download a Chrome Extension named 'Auto Select All Facebook Friends' which will select all your friends in a single click.
You can download the extension by clicking on the download button below ↓↓
Now go to the page or event in which you want to invite all your friends and click on the button 'Invite Friends'. Now you will see a new window will open having all your friends. Now scroll till where you want to invite your friends. (if you want to add all your friends, scroll till the bottom of that window)
When you reached the button just click on the icon of the extension. When you click on the extension you will see all your friends selected. Now you just have to click the button.
Enjoy ;)